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Keep on loving

I'm Erin, a young person with an unwavering passion for vinyl records. My story is not static; it's a mix of music, creativity, and a dash of madness. One day, I stumbled upon a vintage vinyl record. As I held it and felt the grooves beneath my fingertips, I sensed its hidden melodies. From that moment on, I was hooked. Collecting records wasn't enough - I wanted more. I wanted to create. So I started making my own record accessories. My studio, TAKMORK, was born. It's not just about accessories; it's a haven for music enthusiasts. We discuss creativity, share ideas and celebrate the magic of vinyl. We're not just designers, we're guardians of music. "Stay hungry, stay foolish" is a quote I can really relate to. I know that by staying passionate about vinyl, exploring and daring to innovate, we breathe new life into this magical medium. So when friends ask me why I do this, I say, "Because I love vinyl. And through my designs, I'll keep this musical treasure spinning. The dream lives on. Vinyl keeps spinning, one groove at a time.